W r i t e r s  &  P o e t s.

David Moore
Professor P-Soop
Writer & Musician

from Fontana, California

Bad Actors Chapter One
by David Moore

Continue Reading “Bad Actors” Here.

Jodi DiLiberto

Poetry by


Unusual for the light in which we shine

to sound in chords of music

that leap from night air

in the hands

of soft summer.


A memory breaking the waves of mourning

stillness for lost warmth

and sleeping trees

for we miss our friends’ laughing song;

but the echo of their patient branches

tell us that it’s been before.


Winter winds whip our hair into our faces

and blind us as we slip on ice

till we can see, through frozen tears,

the evergreens dance.



Enfold me, Lady, softly in your wings,

Till stellar flights carry me away

from this Earthbound pain of a mortal’s womb

Where my babies slept and the reaper

wields his blade.


Let me fly as crystals of Light

to a blessed lonely place

Whose peace swells in a hush

under the flutes of planets,

Where the water is a clear reflection

of ageless wishes in a time

When past lives’ Karma comes home

to a woman’s burning soul

Dreaming, at last, of a wish unspent,

Till the motion of Earth and the passing of years

Brings Love home in Karma’s wake,

When yearning wells in a frantic hum

of consummate white of flesh upon flesh,

And runs me through – Love’s savage wound –

There lies a heart that harbors an exquisite sorrow,

As beneath the fiery passion of a flaming sky

Lies the cold, old power of rocks.


Enfold me, Lady, softly in your wings,

Lost in a spell of mugwort and blue

I am the dreamer.

Entice me, now, to stay forever;

And the dead really sleep

As we share the stars.

Listen to “Know Me Not | Willow Tree Part 2” here.

Anthony Albanese

Artist and Musician
from Salem, Ohio

KNOW ME NOT | Willow Tree Part 2

You don't know who I am.
For I have been hidden
within this wounded earth.

You have seen my hands;
bloody and broken,
glazed with dirt and mud.

You have heard my voice;
faint and desperate,
shaken with doubt and fear.

You have touched my skin;
weathered and torn,
aged with time and tears.

Still, you don't know me.
You never will.

You will never know my pain,
my love, my joy or dreams.
Nor will you ever see my hope,
my fullness, my flaws or failings.

I am hidden.
Have you seen me?

I am hidden beneath this tree
who's roots grow deep,
thick and long.

I have screamed.
Have you heard me?

I am trapped within this cell
who's walls grew firm,
thick and strong.

I am here.
I have been here since birth.

I have been held within this web
of hardened wood and solid stone.
I have been silenced by this mud.

These roots have been nourished and fed
by hands I can't see.
They are alive, tangled and growing.

Yet still, this tree that once was to be
has withered and died;
having left no seed, fruit or leaves.

The fullness of this tree that once was to be:
it's strength and calming shade
and all that should have been.
Will be not.

Those tender hands which fed the soil
and broke the ground in which I rest.
Those footsteps that still whisper today;
Will be not.

For these hands,
these bruised and bloody hands;
they have toiled in vain.


Raised in Religion